Did you know that 1 cup of quinoa has more calcium than a quart of milk?! Yet another reason to ditch the cow juice! Quinoa is the best go-to when you don't know what the hell to eat but you have little time or to add as a side dish. Toddlers & kids seems to love it as well, (I can attest to this as mine can eat an unusually shocking amount in one sitting). I would like to grow it in my backyard b/c it's so damn beautiful, but I don't see that in my near future...It has a good amount of protein (5 g. for 1/2 c., for you pregnant/lactating/bodybuilders out there) and an surprisingly nice amount of iron!). I think it's best with collard greens and blackened tempeh (both recipes below).
1 cup dry quinoa, red or white
2 cups water
shake of sea salt
splash of olive oil or earth balance butter
Boil water. Add (thoroughly rinsed) quinoa into boiling water, salt, and butter or olive oil and reduce heat to low/med. Keep lid on slightly and boil for about 10-15 min. Check after 10.
Check out this site for more quinoa recipes and if you're feeling a little less boring than me :http://vegweb.com/index.php?board=396.0