This is our new fav. So far it's been for adults only and I plan to give to the babe, minus the cayenne at a later date. It's super good w/ tahini, greens/or salad and brown rice. It takes minutes!
Blackened Tempeh
1 tsp.each of: paprika, cayenne, garlic powder, dried oregano, & dried thyme.
1/2 tsp. black pepper
dashes of sea salt
dash cayenne pepper
Brush tempeh patties with oil, (pre-steamed for 10 min. See tempeh bacon recipe below for how to steam tempeh for a better taste). Coat them with the spice mixture, and sear in a hot frying pan. Let the spices smoke for 5-10 seconds to blacken.

Tahini dressing
(I never measure anything when I make tahini. It's all to your liking, so experiment to see what you like best. I like the constancy to be a little bit more thick when I'm using it to pour on top tempeh. I find myself craving this stuff like I imagine one would crave crack. You'll have leftovers :)
a few Tbsp. tahini
dash of soy sauce
dash sea salt
dash cayenne pepper
dash cumin
squeeze lemon
water (add tsp. at a time to get the consistency you want. It takes a while to mix and it's tricky b/c it separates but you can do it, I believe in you;) i usually end up adding about 1 1/2 - 2 Tbsp water).