It goes without saying that most cereal is either full of sugar or has GM ingredients so we avoid that isle in the store like the plague. We are not a cereal family. Until now, that is. This "Rip Bowl" from 'The Engine 2 Diet' is a big fav now in this household! We're all loving it and especially the little one who wants to be a firefighter and is quite obsessed with Rip Esselstyn. There are all sorts of fruit variations to this that are equally as good (blueberries, kiwi, mango, strawberries, any other berries, etc.).
1/4 cup raw old-fashioned oats
1/4 cup Grape Nuts or Ezekiel brand equivalent (we haven't used yet- still delish)
1/4 cup bite-size shredded wheat
1/4 cup Uncle Sam cereal
1 tablespoon ground flaxseed meal
2 tablespoons raisins
2 tablespoons walnuts
1 banana, sliced
1 kiwi, sliced
Segments of one grapefruit and juice (We never did this, still turned out good)
¾ cup milk substitute of choice (I think almond is best!)
Toss all ingredients except the grapefruit and milk substitute into a bowl.
After cutting grapefruit in half, use a small, sharp knife to remove the segments. Add segments to the top of the bowl and squeeze in the juice.
Top the bowl with milk substitute.
In a pinch, simply add water (the fruits blend with the water and give it a sweet taste)