Friday, May 20, 2011

Coconut Oil!

If I fry, I try to fry with this stuff. I use it all the time.. on everything. So i'm sending you over to this ladies blog so you can see what you can do with coconut oil, like making popcorn (insane!)......

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Kale Chips

We view kale around this house as the kind calcium source. We put it in our smoothies in the morning, steam it and add ginger/garlic/soy sauce and olive oil with dinner, make dinosaur kale salads (the name alone makes j happy! see below for recipe) for lunch, and now our new big thing is KALE CHIPS! The kid will eat these up in about 10 min. We can both go through two heads too quickly. Hope you like as much as we do!

1 bunch kale
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon seasoned salt or sea salt

Preheat an oven to 350. Oil a cookie sheet.

Remove the leaves from the thick stems and tear into bite size pieces.
Wash and thoroughly dry kale with a salad spinner.
Drizzle kale with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoning salt.
Bake until the edges brown but are not burnt, 15-25 minutes. Turning every 10-15 min. Watch carefully in those last few minutes.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

World Wide Vegan Bake Sale in Austin Tx.!

Not a big surprise that one of the most progressive cities in the U.S. participated in the World Wide Vegan Bake Sale to support local animal sanctuary "Sunny Day Farms". An awesome rescue farm outside of San Antonio run by an even more awesome woman: Brooke Chavez. She rescues abused, neglected and displaced farm animals and brings them "home" to her amazing and loving sanctuary. She is a true St. Francis! Brooke is also a mom and a wife and puts in a TON of her own money every month to keep the place up and running. The bake sale raised $1,033 for Sunny Day Farms! I was proud to be a small part of it and my little food critic LOVED the cupcakes I made. He even TRIED to snag another before we left but that wasn't going to happen ;).....As we were driving away he said he was sad to leave and that he "loved vegan bake sales!" He can't wait to go visit the animals!

Brooke Chavez (my hero!) with a couple of vegan kids :)

Vegetarian cop; the fittest one on the dept., no doubt!