Why is it that I'm in my mid 30's and I've never tasted fennel? (the bulbs anyway)...I am seriously addicted and it's a really good addiction to have because it it's super high in vit c, has anti cancer properties, is high in folate and potassium. Just good stuff all around. You can eat raw, (although I haven't tried yet) steam, bake or fry. I fried tonight and baked the other and both ways propelled this newfound love...Don't discard the dill looking leaves as you can put them on the top of fennel after it's done cooking. The steams I'm sure there is something magical you can do with them that I'm not sure of....
Baked method:
Preheat oven to 400.
Take fennel bulbs (thick base of stalk), cut off stalks, halve bulbs lengthwise, then cut lengthwise in 1-inch thick pieces. Rub olive oil over each piece and place on cookie sheet. Sprinkle balsamic vinegar over the tops. Cook for 45 min or so until done (should be somewhat soft in middle).
Pan fried method:
Cut up the same way throw in pan toss with olive olive and vinegar and fry, turning halfway for about 10-15 min.
Salt and pepper to taste.