Did you know Meat contains approximately 14 times more pesticides than plant foods? Dairy contains 5 percent more pesticides than plant foods.
Spinach grown on an acre of land can yield 26 times more protein than beef produced on the same acre."

Did you know 260 million acres of forest in the U.S have been cleared to maintain a meat centered diet?

Did you know 55 square feet of rainforest is destroyed to produce one quarter pound of beef?
Did you know 660,000 animals are murdered every hour for their flesh?

Did you know A carnivorous diet requires 4200 gallons of water per day; a vegetarian one, 300 gallons per day?

Did you know If we stopped intensively breeding farmed animals and grew crops to feed humans instead, we could easily feed everyone on the planet with healthy and affordable vegetarian foods.

Did you know that the livestock business generates more greenhouse gas emissions than all forms of transportation combined? In other words, a meat eater riding a bicycle contributes more to global warming than a vegan driving a hummer.

I won't leave you with all that gloom and doom. So below is some inspiration for you....now get to cooking some real food: http://www.veganseatpencilshavings.com/