Our little puppies have both been vegan since the day we brought them home from the shelter (at one). They are now five! Super healthy, no issues what-so-ever that I wish I had veganized my dog Viva, who died at nine from lymphoma. She had chronic skin and ear infections her whole little life. Commercial dog food brands are known for using rendered dogs (euthanized dogs from shelters) in their 'so called' food. In Los Angeles alone, two hundred tons of euthanized animals (including canines) are delivered to rendering plants on a monthly basis. Google and research this (don't just take my word for it), as well as what Howard Lyman, (former cattle rancher and author of "Mad Cowboy") has to say. He saw all this first hand. Just one of the many reasons our dogs are veg.
They love all vegetables and most fruits......They eat most of what J drops on the floor from his highchair and other scraps throughout the day. Then at night they have their big meal: Natures Recipe Vegetarian Formula and we add blended lentils (with other stuff mixed in, here's the wet dog food recipe: http://veganaustin.org/recipe.php?recipeid=82
We also add in L'Carnitine and Taurine 5x a week (an essential amino acid and nutritional supplement for heart health) commonly found in animal flesh.
Serpico mid chomp on a kale stick!
I made these dog treats the other night and they looooved them! They have parsley and carrots (which they both go koo-koo for). I doubled the recipe and it makes a nice sized jar full. Be sure to refrigerate so they don't go moldy (which they will :(

Breath-Freshing Biscuits for Dogs
3/4 c. minced parsley leaves
1/4 grated carrot
1 Tbsp. safflower oil
3/4 c. whole wheat flour
1/2 c. corn flour or finely grated corn meal
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 c. water
1. Preheat oven to 350. In a small bowl mix together parsley, carrot and oil
2. In a large bowl, whisk together flours and baking powder. Add parsley mixture and work until flour mixture looks like course crumbs. Add water, mix and knead with hands until dough comes together in a smooth ball.
3. On a lightly floured surface roll dough to 1/2 inch thickness. Using a bone shaped cookie cutter, cut out biscuits, re-rolling, scraping as necessary. Place on a lightly oiled cookie sheet and bake 20 min (for softer); 30 min for harder biscuits. Keep refrigerated!!!