And this fennel bares mentioning since it's such an incredible herb, (plus I just love how feathery and delicate looking it is). I only planted it b/c a few of Tal Ronnen's recipes called for fennel, which I never ended up using. I had no idea how good for you it really was.
Internal use:
-has antispasmodic, diuretic, pain-and fever-reducer effects and antimicrobial properties.
- has a mild estrogenic effect and also exhibits a calming effect on the bronchial tubes.
-helps digestion and relieves indigestion, gas, dyspepsia, colic, as well as reducing intestinal spasms.
-is used to increase milk flow in breastfeeding mothers.
-also used for menstrual problems.
-(the root) is used for urinary disorders.
-(the leaves and leaf bases) are added to salads.
Aromatherapy and essential oil use:
-when you are feeling timid and in need of courage and strength, fennel essential oil may do the trick.
- detoxifies the body and is useful when suffering from a hangover.
-it act as tonic for the liver, kidneys and spleen, but also helps to reduce cellulite.
-has a cleansing and tonic action on the skin and also helps keep wrinkles at bay.
-it has antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, aperitif, carminative, detoxicant, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, insecticide, laxative, stimulant, stomachic and tonic properties.