O.k., yes, I know it's not food but you technically
could eat it (although of course I wouldn't recommend it;) I stopped using conventional deodorant when I was in my mid to late 20's after learning about all the crap they add (aluminum, propylene glycol aka anti freeze, phthalates!
etc.). I was also strictly avoiding all companies that test on animals. So I went towards the natural brands like Toms of Maine, Jason and various crystal sticks but found most of them didn't really work that well, some not at all. I ended up returning them and just kept trying different brands to be yet again disappointed and frustrated. I became quite the stickler when TTC our son about
everything I was putting on and in my body. Well, this recipe is without a doubt
the best deodorant I've ever used!!!! I've literally tried them ALL and go figure it turns out the best was from common kitchen goods. I can run, do pilates, run around after the kids all day and I still don't stink. Ever! I even passed the stink test from my hubby (he was getting a little tired of me sticking my pits in his face for weeks on end after every workout although he's as amazed as I that those three ingredients do the trick!) I'll be making batches for the kids when they hit puberty knowing they'll
never have all the toxins I put into my body for
way too long with brands like Secret and Degree. It seriously the best and proves we don't need half the crap being pitched to us everywhere we turn.
Enjoy :)
Homemade Deodorant
(makes about 1/2 cup - has lasted me about five months)
1/4 C. baking soda
1/4 C. organic cornstarch (or arrowroot)
5 - 6 T. coconut oil
Tea Tree Oil or Essential Oil of choice 5- 15 drops (Totally optional! Since the coconut oil has that natural tropical scent it really does works well w/out the tea tree or any essential oil added. Or if your skin has a tendency to break out just omit EO all together.)
Combine the baking soda and cornstarch, then work in the coconut oil. Once well mixed and a creamy consistency (if powdery and flakey add more Coconut oil) then add in
your essential oils. I happen to love tea tree oil which also has natural antibacterial qualities - good for the pits! A little bit goes a long way so you only need a dime size for each arm.